Classify us under INSPIRED! 2020 is over (HALLELUJAH!), and we're ready to take on a new year. While a fresh start can be motivating, this time of year can seem overwhelming with the pressure to begin setting a new resolution, goal, or starting yet another diet. *EYE ROLL* Typically when people feel pressured to do something, they tend to do the exact opposite, right? So, here's a tip to liberate you from those pressures: do what works for YOU.

With that in mind, we created this customizable recipe to help change your mindset about what "healthy" means. No bland, tasteless veggies here, thank-you-very-much! This Potato Power Bowl is special because it checks the boxes on flavor and nutrition.

Why potatoes? Potatoes are a super food, supplementing your body with many beneficial nutrients. " – Green Giant™ Fresh

  • Only 110 Calories: One medium potato makes a healthy side for any meal, or a hearty mid-day snack!
  • Potassium: One medium potato with skin provides 15% of the recommended daily value of potassium.
  • Vitamin C: Healthy potatoes are a great source of Vitamin C, providing you with 30% of your recommended daily value.
  • Fiber: Get 2 grams of Fiber per serving! One medium potato with skin = 1 serving.
  • Vitamin B6: Potatoes are a good source of Vitamin B6 with 10% of the daily recommended value.

We chose Red Potatoes from our pals at Green Giant™ Fresh because most red potatoes contain more moisture and less starch, which means they’ll remain firm during the cooking process. Their flavor is sweet and robust with a creamy, slightly moist mouth feel. TIP: This makes them a great meal-prep option because they're less likely to dry out when cooked, refrigerated, and reheated. Green Giant™ Fresh suggests choosing red potatoes when roasting, boiling, or frying. Plus, the red skin produces higher antioxidant levels versus russet or white potatoes.

So, when choosing which vegetables to eat all year long, we recommend Green Giant™ Fresh because we know you want the best quality product available for both nutrition and taste. With over 25 years growing, packing, and shipping farm-fresh potatoes, we know that Green Giant™ Fresh are THE potato experts!


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